September 23, 2008

Kids in the Way

Recently discovered through lastfm. Freaking awesome.

Watch it. I bought their whole album on itunes, I really liked it. However the first two songs are the best, "Fiction" and Apparitions of Melody. Anyways back to math. Got the exam later today. 

Aaaaaah! And that's why I don't wear make up! If my eyes are itchy, I can't rub 'em! Yeah, poo poo for makeup.

September 22, 2008

Fall fall fall.

Happy first day of fall!

I love fall. It's so crisp. I love the smell. It makes me very happy. A little overcast, but not enough gloom to overshadow my feelings of contentedness. I love fall!

Anywho, Math Exam tomorrow, got some work to do right now. Listening to lastfm. Awesome. Found some great artists already. 

I love sweatshirts, I hate pants. I want to wear shorts. 

Well back to my owl chemistry homework. Ta-ta!

September 20, 2008

Math Homework.

Yes. My math homework, is waiting for me. For the last 2 days in fact. I am monstrously bad at concentrating on math. I was going to work on it today but there was a football game going on at Martin Stadium, WSU v. UP woo. Not that I care, or like football in the least. That is not the reason I didn't do homework, the reason being my reasoning that the Recreation center would be nearly empty. Wa-lah. It was. Nearly empty, not empty empty. So I lifted a little weights, did my 2 hours of swimming and called it good. Walked back to my room, took a shower, ate dinner, and am screwing off until I get my butt back to do homework. 

One of the reasons I'm posting is because I did some googling and read some blogs. I thought... I have a blog... I can blog. So here is me, blogging. 

Oh! Two things I believe every person must watch:

Dr. Horrible : Joss Whedon

First of all, anything by Joss Whedon, is amazing. Buffy, Firefly, and now this. Amazing. And Felicia Day. She's cool. Youtube - The Guild. Yeah, you kind of have to play world of warcraft to get it. 

I need to get my freakin' paladin geared so I can start running Karazahn with my guild. Now it looks like they have too many tanks so I might have to go holy. I barely have any heal gear! Aaaah... They're running Kara right now. I am not allowing myself to get onto world of warcraft until I do my math. Oh, facebook and blogging isn't off limits, just... WoW... 

So watch Dr. Horrible, watch The Guild... and live a happy and prosperous life.

April 9, 2007

Spring Break

The beginning of the end?

Nah just kidding.

So I'm still babysitting, I'm done in half an hour. It's spring break and I have no real plans until Friday through Sunday where I'll be in Canada. I have some AP bio homework and a take home AP bio test on plants, and I need to read about reproduction, yay.

Yesterday was Easter, and it was fantastic. I went to mass in the morning and ran into Kyle, which was a pleasant surprise. He looks really nice dressed up, well he looks nice overall especially when he smiles. Last Saturday Kyle, Delaney and I were supposed to watch 300 but we couldn't get tickets for Dee, so that flopped. We ended up playing some super fun tennis and then running around downtown for a little bit and eathing spectacular granola and yogurt. Really I found it much more meaningful than watching a movie. I'm actually wearing the gray shirt I was then... and it still has white windowpaint on it from when Kyle and I fought over the paint. I got him back at church the next day though :P Not to mention I also let him to to Deuce and then he won so we're having a rematch and I'll totally kick his butt. It's a bummer he's in Oregon all spring break, I'd have liked to spend more time with him. I still don't know if I like him more than friends. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. He's still very attractive though, oh well. Oh and we need to play soccer.

Speaking of soccer, this morning I really had the urge to join the summer rec team. I didn't play last year because I didn't feel like it, but I had the last two summers and played soccer for the school for the past four and I really miss it! Steven Acosta called me too, they were playing soccer at the school at noon but I was still babysitting :( I really love the feeling of stealing the ball and keeping it away from the other team... not to mention the contact of feet and the ball... and other players.

I'm going to check out the "Music Stand" in town after I'm done babysitting and see if I can get my guitar strings changed, then see if I can find new headphones because the ones for my iPod broke. Then if some guy calls me I'll see if he stills wants to hang out at the mall or whatnot.

I would love to play the piano and guitar. My mom said I might be able to find a vocal instructor over the summer, that would be awesome.

And that's a rough summary of things.

March 19, 2007

Dancer on the Inside

So I had a fairly stressful day, first I got up at 5:40 am, took a shower and got dressed. My sister missed the bus and I told my mom I had no time to drop her, but then Charlton, my brother, reminded me I didn't have to be at school until 10. So I dropped him off then dropped the 'lil sister at the middle school. Then I worked for a bit at my mother's business house place, then drove to the Capitol Building and St. Michael's Church, two of my favorite places. It was raining and at first I was like darn! No tennis match.. then I was like, no tennis match! Yay, now I can study for spanish.

Well no... then I forgot about my precal homework so am late on two days of work now (I don't like trig. identities very much) and ended up going to the Valley Athletic Club for tennis practice for an hour. Throughout the whole day I was trying to find a way to spend time with that guy from the retreat. I get home from tennis, first call Molly Gallagher for Janina's last name or phone # but she doesn't know who she is. So then I ask her for the guy's number, and she sounds suspicious but doesn't know it either. She gives me Jamies so I call him up. He first apologizes for ruining me and Megan's prank on Saturday and gives us a brand new idea, which is awesome and I can't wait to pull it off, a personal thanks to Jamie. So I'm not going to ask Jamie for this guy's number because he would definetly start asking questions so I ask for Janina's last name and phone number. I call Janina and ask for the guy's number. Sounds harmless, he's in my confirmation group.

Then I suck in my breath and call him. No one answers the first time around, and the answering machine which said, "You've reached the C-oo-pers." made me laugh. The way he had said Coopers was funny. I try again and his little sister answers. She calls to him, and then there is at least a two minute silence...

We exchange awkward "Hellos" and "Hi"s.

Then the rest follows much easier, etc.

So hopefully tomorrow I get to spend some quality time with him? That will be nice, I really want to get to know him.

I'm excited for tomorrow.