September 23, 2008

Kids in the Way

Recently discovered through lastfm. Freaking awesome.

Watch it. I bought their whole album on itunes, I really liked it. However the first two songs are the best, "Fiction" and Apparitions of Melody. Anyways back to math. Got the exam later today. 

Aaaaaah! And that's why I don't wear make up! If my eyes are itchy, I can't rub 'em! Yeah, poo poo for makeup.

September 22, 2008

Fall fall fall.

Happy first day of fall!

I love fall. It's so crisp. I love the smell. It makes me very happy. A little overcast, but not enough gloom to overshadow my feelings of contentedness. I love fall!

Anywho, Math Exam tomorrow, got some work to do right now. Listening to lastfm. Awesome. Found some great artists already. 

I love sweatshirts, I hate pants. I want to wear shorts. 

Well back to my owl chemistry homework. Ta-ta!

September 20, 2008

Math Homework.

Yes. My math homework, is waiting for me. For the last 2 days in fact. I am monstrously bad at concentrating on math. I was going to work on it today but there was a football game going on at Martin Stadium, WSU v. UP woo. Not that I care, or like football in the least. That is not the reason I didn't do homework, the reason being my reasoning that the Recreation center would be nearly empty. Wa-lah. It was. Nearly empty, not empty empty. So I lifted a little weights, did my 2 hours of swimming and called it good. Walked back to my room, took a shower, ate dinner, and am screwing off until I get my butt back to do homework. 

One of the reasons I'm posting is because I did some googling and read some blogs. I thought... I have a blog... I can blog. So here is me, blogging. 

Oh! Two things I believe every person must watch:

Dr. Horrible : Joss Whedon

First of all, anything by Joss Whedon, is amazing. Buffy, Firefly, and now this. Amazing. And Felicia Day. She's cool. Youtube - The Guild. Yeah, you kind of have to play world of warcraft to get it. 

I need to get my freakin' paladin geared so I can start running Karazahn with my guild. Now it looks like they have too many tanks so I might have to go holy. I barely have any heal gear! Aaaah... They're running Kara right now. I am not allowing myself to get onto world of warcraft until I do my math. Oh, facebook and blogging isn't off limits, just... WoW... 

So watch Dr. Horrible, watch The Guild... and live a happy and prosperous life.